90% of disease due to improper function of Colon
Here's another statistic that will show you just how crucial colon cleansing is: Dr. John Kellogg of B. Creek said that 'that 90% of the diseases of civilization are due to improper functioning of the colon.' 90% is a staggering figure - but it makes sense.. our colon plays a role in digestion, and absorption of nutrients as well as removing wastes! If we don't absorb our nutrients properly, our organs don't perform as efficiently. If we remove wastes properly, toxins remain in our body and wreck havoc! We all need to take responsibility of our health
After 5 days of using Colonex, I had a very big bowel movement, and eliminated a huge rope of "mucoid plaque". I did some research online, and found out these were the toxins and fecal matter that was clogging up my colon, and causing my health problems.
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